How your new business can benefit from a coach!


New to business?

You wouldn’t try to learn the foxtrot without a good coach, so why start your exciting new business without a qualified guide?

Slow, slow … quick, quick …slow…

Recently, I’ve taken a massive leap out of my comfort zone and started attending dance lessons with my wonderfully patient wife Belinda.

Being a certified ‘dad dancer’, with two left feet, it was with incredible trepidation that I headed along to our first lesson together.

While trying not to trip and tread on Belinda’s toes, I realised that learning to dance (or learning anything new for that matter) is a lot like starting your own business - the nerves, self-doubt, feeling out of your depth, not knowing the steps to take and that feeling of being completely overwhelmed at times!

The good news is; we all experience these feelings when we start something new. The best way to progress through these awkward first steps is to seek the support of an expert coach who has been there, done that and can guide you on your new (and sometimes scary) business journey.

Success won’t happen overnight and you will sometimes feel like you’ve taken a step backwards in the wrong direction, but it’s important to appreciate that you are not alone and that those people you admire are just a few lessons ahead of you.

You wouldn’t try to learn the foxtrot without a good coach, so why start your exciting new business without a qualified guide? Investing in the support of a good coach early will mean that you can avoid some of the awkward missteps and progress towards your goals with the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed. With determination and a little support from someone who knows the ins and outs of running a business, you can shine.

Choose your guide well and you will soon be twirling around the dance-floor (or office) like a pro.

Need a hand getting your new business off on the right foot? We can support you to make plans to succeed. You'll benefit from our expert knowledge and gain access to a network of proven local resources. Get in touch.

-       Matt, Head Business Coach.

NCBIZ provides specialist support and coaching to help start-ups and businesses across Christchurch and Canterbury establish a solid foundation, overcome challenges and perform at their best. 

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